§ 44-18.1-36 Monetary allowance underModel 1. (A) Each member state shall provide a monetary allowance to a CSP in Model 1 inaccordance with the terms of the contract between the governing board and theCSP. The details of the monetary allowance will be provided through thecontract process. The governing board shall require that such allowance befunded entirely from money collected in Model 1.
(B) The contract between the governing board and a CSP maybase the monetary allowance to a CSP on one or more of the following:
(1) A base rate that applies to taxable transactionsprocessed by the CSP.
(2) For a period not to exceed twenty-four months following avoluntary seller's registration through the Agreement's central registrationprocess, a percentage of tax revenue generated for a member state by thevoluntary seller for each member state for which the seller does not have arequirement to register to collect the tax.