§ 44-18.1-37 Monetary allowance for Model2 sellers. The member states initially anticipate that they will provide a monetaryallowance to sellers under Model 2 based on the following:
(A) All sellers shall receive a base rate for a period not toexceed twenty-four months following the commencement of participation by aseller. The base rate will be set after the base rate has been established forModel 1. This allowance will be in addition to any discount afforded by eachmember state at the time.
(B) The member states anticipate a monetary allowance to aModel 2 Seller based on the following:
(1) For a period not to exceed twenty-four months following avoluntary seller's registration through the Agreement's central registrationprocess, a percentage of tax revenue generated for a member state by thevoluntary seller for each member state for which the seller does not have arequirement to register to collect the tax.
(2) Following the conclusion of the twenty-four month period,a seller will only be entitled to a vendor discount afforded under each memberstate's law at the time the base rate expires.