§ 44-20-12.1 Floor stock tax on cigarettesand stamps. (a) Whenever used in this section, unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) "Cigarette" means and includes any cigarette as definedin § 44-20-1(2);
(2) "Person" means and includes each individual, firm,fiduciary, partnership, corporation, trust, or association, however formed.
(b) Each person engaging in the business of sellingcigarettes at retail in this state shall pay a tax or excise to the state forthe privilege of engaging in that business during any part of the calendar year2004. In calendar year 2004, the tax shall be measured by the number ofcigarettes held by the person in this state at 12:01 a.m. on July 1, 2004 andis computed at the rate of thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) mills for eachcigarette on July 1, 2004.
(c) Each distributor licensed to do business in this statepursuant to this chapter shall pay a tax or excise to the state for theprivilege of engaging in business during any part of the calendar year 2004.The tax is measured by the number of stamps, whether affixed or to be affixedto packages of cigarettes, as required by § 44-20-28. In calendar year2004 the tax is measured by the number of stamps, as defined in §44-20-1(10), whether affixed or to be affixed, held by the distributor at 12:01a.m. on July 1, 2004, and is computed at the rate of thirty-seven and one-half(37.5) mills per cigarette in the package to which the stamps are affixed or tobe affixed.
(d) Each person subject to the payment of the tax imposed bythis section shall, on or before July 16, 2004, file a return, under oath orcertified under the penalties of perjury, with the tax administrator on formsfurnished by him or her, showing the amount of cigarettes or stamps in thatperson's possession in this state at 12:01 a.m. on July 1, 2004, and the amountof tax due, and shall at the time of filing the return pay the tax to the taxadministrator. Failure to obtain forms shall not be an excuse for the failureto make a return containing the information required by the tax administrator.
(e) The tax administrator may prescribe rules andregulations, not inconsistent with law, with regard to the assessment andcollection of the tax imposed by this section.