§ 44-20-2 Importer, distributor, anddealer licenses required Licenses required. Each person engaging in the business of selling cigarette products in thisstate, including any distributor or dealer, shall secure a license from theadministrator before engaging in that business, or continuing to engage in it.A separate application and license is required for each place of businessoperated by a distributor or dealer; provided, that an operator of vendingmachines for cigarette products is not required to obtain a distributor'slicense for each machine. If the applicant for a license does not have a placeof business in this state, the license shall be issued for such applicant'sprincipal place of business, wherever located. A licensee shall notify theadministrator within thirty (30) days in the event that it changes itsprincipal place of business. A separate license is required for each class ofbusiness if the applicant is engaged in more than one of the activitiesrequired to be licensed by this section. No person shall maintain or operate orcause to be operated a vending machine for cigarette products without procuringa dealer's license for each machine.