§ 44-20-26 Agreement by nonresident tosubmit records Attorney to receive process. Any nonresident distributor who receives authorization and permission to affixstamps under §§ 44-20-23 and 44-20-24 shall, upon the request of thetax administrator submit his or her books, accounts, and records to examinationduring reasonable business hours by the tax administrator or his or herauthorized agent. Each nonresident person, other than a foreign corporationcomplying with the provisions of chapter 1.2 of title 7 shall, in writing,appoint the secretary of state, or his or her successors in office, to be hisor her attorney, that appointment to be made, acknowledged, and filed in themanner prescribed for foreign corporations engaging in business in this state.Service upon the attorney is sufficient service upon any nonresident person,whether a foreign corporation complying with the provisions of chapter 1.2 oftitle 7 or not, and may be made by leaving an attested copy of the process withthe secretary of state or at his or her office. When legal process against anynonresident person is served upon the secretary of state, the secretary shallnotify the nonresident person in the manner provided for notification ofservice of process in the case of foreign corporations under chapter 1.2 oftitle 7 and collect the fee specified in that chapter.