§ 44-20-39 Forgery and counterfeiting Tampering with meters Reuse of stamps or containers. Any person who fraudulently makes or utters or forges or counterfeits anystamp, disc, license, or marker, prescribed by the tax administrator under theprovisions of this chapter, or who causes or procures this to be done, or whowillfully utters, publishes, passes or renders as true, any false, altered,forged, or counterfeited stamp, license, disc, or marker, or who knowinglypossesses any false, altered, forged, or counterfeited stamp, license, disc, ormarker, or who tampers with or causes to be tampered with any metering machineauthorized to be used under the provisions of this chapter, or who removes orprepares any stamp with intent to use, or cause that stamp to be used, after ithas already been used, or who buys, sells, offers for sale, or gives away anywashed or removed or restored stamp to any person, or who has in his or herpossession any washed or restored or removed or altered stamp which was removedfrom the article to which it was affixed, or who reuses or refills withcigarettes any package, box, or container required to be stamped under thischapter from which cigarettes have been removed, is deemed guilty of a felony,and, upon conviction, shall be fined ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or beimprisoned for not more than ten (10) years, or both.