§ 44-23-35 Statement required as todelivery of decedent's property to other than administrator. No person having in possession or under control of property forming a part ofthe estate of a resident decedent, as provided in this chapter, may deliver ortransfer the property to any person other than the executor, administrator, ortrustee of the decedent unless the person making delivery or transfer of theproperty immediately furnishes the tax administrator with a statement underoath describing the property delivered or transferred together with the name ofthe person to whom the property is delivered or transferred; provided, that anyinsurance company engaging in the business of writing contracts of insurance inthe state notifies the tax administrator of the amount of any payment orpayments made, or to be made to any person or persons under any insurancecontract, as a result of the death of a Rhode Island resident, whenever thetotal amount of payment or payments made or to be made to the person or personsexceeds fifty thousand dollars ($50,000); and provided, that banks and otherinstitutions having deposits standing in the joint names of two (2) or morepersons, or standing in the joint names of two (2) or more persons and payableto either or the survivor or survivors, are not required to furnish thestatement with respect to deposits of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or less. Inthe case of deposits of over one thousand dollars ($1,000), the bank or otherinstitution, having knowledge of the decease of one of the persons in whosenames the deposit stands, or upon request of the tax administrator, shall, inlieu of the statement furnish a certificate showing the amount of each deposittogether with the names of the persons in whose names the deposit stands. Anyperson who makes delivery or transfer without furnishing a statement is liablefor the amount of any tax which may be assessed on account of the transfer ofthe property, together with its interest, to be collected in an action broughtin the name of the tax administrator.