§ 44-3-13.5 Glocester Exemption ofelderly and disabled persons. (a) The town council of Glocester may, by ordinance, issue a tax credit forreal property situated in the town of Glocester which is owned and occupied byowners over sixty-five (65) years of age or under sixty-five (65) years of agewho are permanently disabled in an amount of one thousand one hundred fiftydollars ($1,150) adjusted annually by the rate of the annual tax increase, ifany, times the per one thousand dollar ($1,000) average valuation of theexempted real properties and in like manner may also by ordinance issue a taxcredit for real property situated in the town which is owned and occupied byowners with a combined adjusted gross taxable annual income not to exceedtwenty-three thousand dollars ($23,000) adjusted annually by the consumer priceindex all urban customers (CPI-U) published by the Bureau of LaborStatistics of the United States Department of Labor as set forth in thefollowing schedule:
(1) Owners who are sixty-five (65) but less than eighty (80)years of age: an additional tax credit not to exceed one thousand fivehundred dollars ($1,500);
(2) Owners who are eighty (80) years of age or older: an additional tax credit not to exceed four thousand five hundred ($4,500).
(b) The exemption shall be pro-rated among the owners of thereal property and shall be in addition to any and all other exemptions fromtaxation to which the person may be otherwise entitled. The exemption shall beapplied uniformly. Only one exemption shall be granted to co-tenants, jointtenants, and tenants by the entirety, even though all of the co-tenants, jointtenants, and tenants by the entirety are eligible for an exemption. Theprovisions of this section apply notwithstanding the provisions of §44-3-15.