§ 44-3-32.2 Cities and towns Taxexemption for farmland, forestland or open space land. (a) Cities and towns in the state of Rhode Island may, by ordinance, exemptfrom taxation any real property situated in the town classified and utilized asfarmland, forestland or open space land pursuant to the provisions of chapter27 of this title. The amount of the exemption shall be provided for byordinance. Cities and towns may, from time to time, by amendment to theordinance, make those changes in the amount of exemption granted.
(b) Cities and towns of Rhode Island are authorized byordinance to provide that any person who obtains an exemption pursuant to theordinance to which the person is not entitled, by the filing or making of anyfalse statement, or the proffering of any document or other writing known bythe person to have been altered, forged, or to contain any false or untrueinformation, is liable for an amount equal to double the amount of reductionsin taxes resulting from the exemption, which amount is recoverable by the cityor town in a civil action.
(c) Cities and towns in the state of Rhode Island areauthorized by ordinance to exempt from taxation any real property situated inthe town classified and utilized as farmland on which the development rightshave been sold or donated and will remain farmland in perpetuity. The amount ofthe exemption shall be provided for by ordinance. Cities and towns may, fromtime to time, by amendment to the ordinance, make those changes in the amountof exemption granted.