§ 44-3-4.2 Conflicts eligible forveterans' property tax relief. (a) In addition to those wars and conflicts listed in subsection 44-3-4(a)(1),any person who served in the military or naval service of the United States inthe following places shall be entitled to the veteran exemptions in §44-3-4:
(1) Berlin: May 9, 1945 to October 2, 1990. Cold War/Show ofStrength.
(2) Korea: June 27, 1950 to November 8, 1950. PresidentOrders Intervention.
(3) Quemay and Matsu: August 23, 1956 to June 1, 1963. Showof Force and Escort.
(4) Lebanon: July 1, 1958 to November 1, 1958. OperationBluebat, Peacekeeping.
(5) Vietnam: July 1, 1958 to July 3, 1965. Advisory/U.S.Troops Ordered to Undertake Offensive Position.
(6) Taiwan Straits: August 23, 1958 to January 1, 1959. Showof Force.
(7) Congo (Zaire): July 14, 1960 to September 1, 1962.Operation Newtape, U.N. Peacekeeping.
(8) Laos: April 19, 1961 to October 7, 1962. CounterInsurgency.
(9) Berlin: August 14, 1961 to June 1, 1963. Show of Strength.
(10) Cuba: October 24, 1962 to June 1, 1963. Missile Crisis.
(11) Congo: November 23-27, 1964. Operation Dragon, Red &Black Rescue.
(12) Vietnam Conflict & RVNCM: July 3, 1965 to March 8, 1973.U.S. Troops Ordered to Offensive Position.
(13) Dominican Republic: April 28, 1965 to September 21,1966. Evacuation and Peacekeeping.
(14) Korea: October 1, 1966 to June 30, 1974. TreatyCommitment.
(15) Cambodia hailand: March 29, 1973 to August 15, 1973.Bombing Campaign.
(16) Cambodia: April 11-13, 1975. Operation Eagle Pull,Evacuation.
(17) Vietnam: April 29-30, 1975. Operation Frequent Wind,Evacuation.
(18) Cambodia: May 5, 1975. Mayaguez Hostage Rescue.
(19) Sinai, Egypt: August 3, 1981 to present. Peacekeeping.
(20) Lebanon: June 1, 1983 to December 1, 1987. Peacekeeping.
(21) Grenada: October 23, 1983 to November 21, 1983.Operation Urgent Fury, Evacuation.
(22) Libya: April 12-17, 1986. Operation Eldorado Canyon.
(23) Persian Gulf: July 24, 1987 to August 1, 1990. OperationEarnest Will, Naval Escort.
(24) Panama: December 20, 1989 to January 31, 1990. OperationJust Cause.
(25) Persian Gulf: August 2, 1990 to November 30, 1995.Operation Desert Shield & Desert Storm.
(26) Operation Sharp Edge: August 5-25, 1990. Humanitarian,Liberia.
(27) Combined Task Force "Provide Comfort": April 5, 1991 toJuly 31, 1993. Humanitarian-Northern Iraq & Turkey.
(28) Combined Task Force "Provide Comfort": December 1, 1995to December 31, 1996. Northern Iraq & Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.
(29) Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay: November 22, 1991 toJune 30, 1992. Humanitarian, Guantanamo Bay.
(30) Operation "Provide Hope": February 1, 1992 to April 30,1993. Humanitarian, Russia.
(31) Joint Task Force "Provide Relief": August 18, 1992 toDecember 4, 1992. Humanitarian, Kenya & Somalia.
(32) Somalia: December 5, 1992 to March 31, 1995. OperationRestore Hope & United Shield.
(33) Joint Task Force "Provide Refuge": February 11, 1993 toMarch 11, 1993. Humanitarian, Kwazalern, Republic of Marshall Islands.
(34) Joint Task Force 160 Operation "Sea Signal": May 20,1994 to April 15, 1996. Humanitarian, Guantanamo Bay.
(35) Joint Task Force "Distant Haven": August 19, 1994 toOctober 31, 1994. Humanitarian, Surname.
(36) Joint Task Force "Safe Haven": August 26, 1994 to March3, 1995. Humanitarian, Panama.
(37) Joint Task Force 180, 190 & MNF Operations "Uphold andRestore Democracy": September 10, 1994 to March 31, 1995. Humanitarian, Haiti.
(38) Joint Task Force "Support Hope": July 20, 1994 toOctober 7, 1994. Humanitarian, Rwanda.
(39) Haiti: September 16, 1994 to March 31, 1995. OperationUphold Democracy.
(40) El Salvador: January 1, 1981 to February 1, 1992.Advisory raining.
(41) Former Republic of Yugoslavia: November 20, 1995 toDecember 19, 1996 and December 20, 1996 to June 20, 1998. Operation JointEndeavor & Guard.
(42) Wake Island, Mid-Pacific Joint Task Force "PromptReturn": July 12, 1995 to August 10, 1995. Humanitarian, Wake Island,Mid-Pacific.
(43) Southwest Asia: December, 1995 ongoing. OperationSouthern Watch, Maritime Intercept Operation, Operation Vigilant Sentinel,Operation Northern Watch, Operation Desert Thunder, Operation Desert Fox,Exercise Intrinsic Action, Exercise Iris Gold, Operation Desert Spring.
(44) Former Republic of Yugoslavia: December 20, 1995 ongoing. Operation Joint Endeavor, Joint Guard and Force.
(45) Haiti: April 1, 1995 to January 31, 2000. Operation:UNMHI, U.S. For Haiti, USSPTG-Haiti.
(46) Liberia Joint Task Force "Assured Response": April 8,1996 to August 12, 1996. Humanitarian, Liberia.
(47) Kosova: March 24, 1999 ongoing. Operation AlliedForce, Joint Guardian.
(b) Persons who served in the military or naval service ofthe United States "Operation Noble Eagle", "Operation Enduring Freedom","Operation Iraqi Freedom"; September 12, 2001 ongoing are entitled tothe veteran exemptions in § 44-3-4.
(c) Persons who served in the military or naval service ofthe United States and have received the "Global War Expeditionary Medal" andthe "Global War on Terrorism Medal" are entitled to the veteran exemptions in§ 44-3-4.