§ 44-3-55 South Kingstown certainnon-profit charitable organizations Tax exemptions or payment in lieu oftax agreements. The town council of the town of South Kingstown may, by ordinance orresolution, provide for exemptions from valuation for taxation or otherwiseenter into payment in lieu of tax agreements regarding any real or personalproperty, which is directly related to the actual conduct of the charitablepurposes of a non-profit organization and which otherwise is, or would become,subject to taxation by the town, that is owned, leased, or held in the town ofSouth Kingstown by any nonprofit, charitable organization recognized as such bythe state of Rhode Island. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the generallaws to the contrary, the town of South Kingstown shall be authorized to enterinto payment in lieu of tax agreements with qualifying organizations upon termsacceptable to the town council. The town shall maintain a comprehensive list ofall such exemptions and payment in lieu of tax agreements adopted pursuant tothis section, which list shall set forth the amount of the exemption, theamount of the in lieu of tax payment, and the date of the resolution orordinance establishing the exemption and/or payment in lieu of tax agreementand of any amendments to the ordinance or resolution.