§ 44-3-58 Tax deferment of elderly personsin the town of Narragansett. The town council of the town of Narragansett may, by ordinance, provide thatthe payment of all or a portion of the property taxes on a single familydwelling, owned by and occupied as the principal residence of persons who aresixty-five (65) years or older may be partially deferred until the property isdisposed of by reason of death of all the qualified owners, or by reason oftransfer or conveyance, provided, that any deferred taxes and interestconstitute a lien against the real estate.
This act shall be voted upon by the qualified electors of thetown of Narragansett entitled to vote upon a proposition to impose a tax or forthe expenditure of money at any special or regular election held after thepassage of this act. The town clerk will then certify the results to thesecretary of state. Any ordinance passed by the town council of Narragansett toprovide tax deferment pursuant to the terms of this act shall become effectiveupon the approval of a majority of the electors voting on the question, vote toaccept this section.