§ 44-3-8 Exemption of land planted toforestry. (a) Whenever there shall have been planted one or more acres of land worth notmore than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per acre, in this state, to trees of anyof the following kinds: chestnut, hickory, oak, maple, larch, pine, ash,catalpa, locust, basswood, beech, hemlock, spruce, tulip tree, cedar, sycamore,and walnut, in numbers not less than five hundred (500) to the acre, the ownerof the plantation of trees may file with the tax assessors, in any city or townin which the plantation may be located, an affidavit showing that the owner hascomplied with the requirements of this chapter. Upon that proof, theplantation, including the trees and land on which they are growing in goodcondition, shall be exempted from all taxation whatsoever for a period offifteen (15) years, the period of exemption to be counted from the time theland shall have been planted as stated in this subsection, or from the time itmay have been necessary to replant the land, by reason of destruction by fire,if the land shall be replanted within one year after the destruction; provided,that the land is planted or replanted, as the case may be, and managed under aforest working plan approved by the head of the division of forest environmentduring the period of exemption from taxation.
(b) The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed soas to exempt from taxation more than three hundred (300) acres owned by any oneperson, corporation, limited partnership, or association.