§ 44-30.3-2 Residential lead abatement taxrelief Income eligibility. Claims shall be paid based on the following requirements:
(a) A claimant whose household income was equal to or lessthan thirty-five thousand two-hundred dollars ($35,200) during the year forwhich the claim was filed will have their claim paid prior to the payment ofother claims in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
(b) A claimant who rents or leases a dwelling unit toindividuals whose household income was equal to or less than thirty-fivethousand two-hundred dollars ($35,200) during the year for which the claim wasfiled shall not be paid until the total amount of all claims has been paidunder subsection (a).
(c) All other claimants, without regard to income or propertyownership, shall not be paid until the total amount of all claims has been paidunder subsections (a) and (b).
(d) If insufficient funds exist annually to pay the fullamount of all claims, the tax administrator shall make payments to eachclaimant proportionately for those claims made pursuant to subsection (c). Nopayment shall exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the claim.
(e) On July 1st of each year, the maximum amount of allowableincome for claimants set forth in subsections (a) and (b) shall be increased bya percentage equal to the percentage of the cost of living adjustment providedfor social security recipients.