§ 44-31.2-6.1 Impact analysis and periodicreporting. (a) The film office shall not certify or approve any application under §44-31.2-6 of this chapter until it has first prepared and publicly released ananalysis of the impact the proposed investment will or may have on the state.The analysis shall be supported by appropriate data and documentation and shallconsider, but not be limited to, the following factors:
(i) The impact on the industry or industries in which theapplicant will be involved;
(ii) State fiscal matters, including the state budget(revenues and expenses);
(iii) The financial exposure of the taxpayers of the stateunder the plans for the proposed investment and negative foreseeablecontingencies that may arise therefrom;
(iv) The approximate number of full-time, part-time,temporary, seasonal and/or permanent jobs projected to be created, constructionand non-construction;
(v) Identification of geographic sources of the staffing foridentified jobs;
(vi) The projected duration of the identified constructionjobs;
(vii) The approximate wage rates for each category of theidentified jobs;
(viii) The types of fringe benefits to be provided with theidentified jobs, including healthcare insurance and any retirement benefits;
(ix) The projected fiscal impact on increased personal incometaxes to the state of Rhode Island; and
(x) The description of any plan or process intended tostimulate hiring from the host community, training of employees or potentialemployees, and outreach to minority job applicants and minority businesses.
(b) The film office shall monitor every impact analysis itcompletes through the duration of any approved tax credit. Such monitoringshall include annual reports made available to the public on the:
(1) Actual versus projected impact for all consideredfactors; and
(2) Verification of all commitments made in consideration ofstate incentives or aid.
(c) Upon its preparation and release of the analysis requiredby subsection (b) of this section, the film office shall provide copies of thatanalysis to the chairpersons of the house and senate finance committees, thehouse and senate fiscal advisors, the department of labor and training and thedivision of taxation. Any such analysis shall be available to the public forinspection by any person and shall by published by the tax administrator on thetax division website. Annually thereafter, through and including the second taxyear after any taxpayer has applied for and received a tax credit pursuant tothis chapter, the department of labor and training shall certify to thechairpersons of the house and senate finance committees, the house and senatefiscal advisors, the corporation and the division of taxation that: (i) theactual number of new full-time jobs with benefits created by thestate-certified production, not including construction jobs, is on target tomeet or exceed the estimated number of new jobs identified in the analysisabove, and (ii) the actual number of existing full-time jobs with benefits hasnot declined. For purposes of this section, "full-time jobs with benefits"means jobs that require working a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week withinthe state, with a median wage that exceeds by five percent (5%) the medianannual wage for full-time jobs in Rhode Island and within the taxpayer'sindustry, with a benefit package that includes healthcare insurance plus otherbenefits typical of companies within the motion picture industry. Thedepartment of labor and training shall also certify annually to the house andsenate fiscal committee chairs, the house and senate fiscal advisors, and thedivision of taxation that jobs created by the state-certified production are"new jobs" in the state of Rhode Island, meaning that the employees of themotion picture production company are in addition to, and without a reductionof, those employees of the motion picture production company currently employedin Rhode Island, are not relocated from another facility of the motion pictureproduction company in Rhode Island or are employees assumed by the motionpicture production company as the result of a merger or acquisition of acompany already located in Rhode Island. The certifications made by thedepartment of labor and training shall be available to the public forinspection by any person and shall be published by the tax administrator on thetax division website.
(d) The film office, with the assistance of the motionpicture production company, the department of labor and training, thedepartment of human services and the division of taxation shall provideannually an analysis of whether any of the employees of the motion pictureproduction company has received RIte Care or RIte Share benefits and the impactsuch benefits or assistance may have on the state budget. This analysis shallbe available to the public for inspection by any person and shall be publishedby the tax administrator on the tax division website. Notwithstanding any otherprovision of law or rule or regulation, the division of taxation, thedepartment of labor and training and the department of human services areauthorized to present, review and discuss project-specific tax or employmentinformation or data with the film office, the chairpersons of the house andsenate finance committees, and/or the house and senate fiscal advisors for thepurpose of verification and compliance with this tax credit reportingrequirement.
(e) Any agreements or contracts entered into by the filmoffice and the motion picture production company shall be sent to the divisionof taxation and be available to the public for inspection by any person andshall be published by the tax administrator on the tax division website.
(f) By August 15th of each year the motion picture productioncompany shall report the source and amount of any bonds, grants, loans, loanguarantees, matching funds or tax credits received from any state governmentalentity, state agency or public agency as defined in § 37-2-7 receivedduring the previous state fiscal year. This annual report shall be sent to thedivision of taxation and be available to the public for inspection by anyperson and shall be published by the tax administrator on the tax divisionwebsite.
(g) By August 15th of each year the division of taxationshall report the name, address, and amount of tax credit received for eachmotion picture production company during the previous state fiscal year to thefilm office, the chairpersons of the house and senate finance committees, thehouse and senate fiscal advisors, the department of labor and training and thedivision of taxation. This report shall be available to the public forinspection by any person and shall be published by the tax administrator on thetax division website.