§ 44-34.1-3 Permanent oversightcommission. (a) There is created a permanent oversight commission on inventory taxes andautomobile excise taxes. The commission shall consist of the following members:
(1) Chairperson of house finance committee, or designee;
(2) Chairperson of senate finance committee, or designee;
(3) Chairperson of the Rhode Island vehicle value commission;
(4) Three (3) members of the Rhode Island AssessorsAssociation;
(5) Director of department of revenue, or designee;
(6) Chief of the division of property valuation and municipalfinance, or designee;
(7) The president of the Rhode Island League of Cities andTowns, or designee;
(8) The administrator of the Rhode Island division of motorvehicles, or designee;
(9) The mayor of the city of Providence, or designee.
(b) The purpose of the commission shall be to study andevaluate the phase-out of the automobile excise tax and to establish procedureswhen necessary to facilitate the phase-out of the tax by July 1, 2005.
(c) The commission, at its first meeting, shall elect achairperson from its membership.
(d) The commission shall meet no less than two (2) times peryear at the call of the chairperson or upon the request of at least three (3)of its members.
(e) The members shall receive no compensation for theirservices. All departments and agencies of the state shall furnish advice andinformation, documentary or otherwise, to the commission and its agents as isdeemed necessary or desirable by the commission to facilitate the purposes ofthe commission.