§ 44-40-11 Claim of erroneous deficiency Action Time for bringing. The person liable for the tax imposed by this chapter may, within three (3)months after receipt of notice of deficiency, apply to the sixth division ofthe district court, by a complaint against the administrator pursuant tochapter 8 of title 8, for the abatement of the tax or any part of the tax or adeficiency or any part of a deficiency. If the court adjudges that the tax orany part of the tax, or any deficiency or any part of a deficiency, is unfairor excessive or was illegally assessed, it shall order an abatement of the taxor that portion of an abatement, or deficiency or any part of a deficiency,that is unfair or excessive or was illegally assessed, and that order shall besubject to appeal. A party aggrieved by a final order of the court may seekreview of the order in the supreme court by writ of certiorari in accordancewith the procedures contained in § 8-8-32.