§ 44-44-3.5 Application due date Weekends and holidays Mailing. (a) Each applicant shall apply for a permit prior to engaging in the activitiesdescribed in § 44-44-2(20) for each location in Rhode Island and, afterthis, shall annually reapply on or before August 1 of each year.
(b) When the application due date, or any other due date foractivity by an applicant or permittee, falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or RhodeIsland legal holiday, the application or activity will be considered timely ifit is performed on the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, orRhode Island legal holiday.
(c) When any application, payment or other document requiredto be filed on or before a prescribed date set forth in this chapter isdelivered after the required date by United States Post Office to the taxadministrator, office, officer, or person with which or with whom the documentis required to be filed, the date on which the document is dated by the postoffice shall be deemed to be the date of delivery. This subsection shall applyonly if the document was, within the prescribed time, deposited in the mailwith United States postage prepaid and properly addressed.