§ 44-46-3 Credits. An employer shall be allowed a credit as provided in § 44-46-1 up to amaximum credit of three hundred dollars ($300) against taxes otherwise dueunder provisions of chapters 11, 13, 14, 15, 17 and 30 of this title per paidemployee. The employee must remain in the employ of the business for a minimumperiod of thirteen (13) consecutive weeks, and a minimum of four hundred andfifty-five (455) hours of paid employment before the employer can becomeeligible for the income credit. The credit shall not reduce the tax underchapter 11 of this title to less than one hundred dollars ($100). The credit isnot refundable. Any amount of credit not deductible in that taxable year maynot be carried over to the following year. In the event that the employer is apartnership, joint venture or small business corporation, the credit shall bedivided in the same manner as income. This credit may not be applied againstthe tax until all other credits available to this taxpayer for the taxable yearhave been applied.