§ 44-49-9.1 Imposition of tax, interestand liens. (a) Any law enforcement agency seizing marijuana and/or controlled substancesas defined in § 44-49-2 in the quantities set forth in that section shallreport to the division of taxation no later than the twenty-fifth (25th) ofeach month, the amount of all marijuana and controlled substances seized duringthe previous month and the name and address of each dealer from whom themarijuana and controlled substances were seized.
(b) The tax administrator shall assess the dealer for any taxdue at the rate provided by § 44-49-9. The tax shall be payable withinfifteen (15) days after its assessment and, if not paid when due, shall bearinterest from the date of its assessment at the rate provided in § 44-1-7until paid.
(c) The tax administrator may file a notice of tax lien uponthe real property of the dealer located in this state immediately upon mailinga notice of assessment to the dealer at the address listed in the report of thelaw enforcement agency. The tax administrator may discharge the lien imposedupon the filing of a bond satisfactory to the tax administrator in an amountequal to the tax, interest and penalty imposed under this chapter.