§ 44-51-3 Imposition of assessment Nursing facilities. (a) For purposes of this section, a "nursing facility" means a person orgovernmental unit licensed in accordance with chapter 17 of title 23 toestablish, maintain, and operate a nursing facility.
(b) An assessment is imposed upon the gross patient revenuereceived by every nursing facility in each month beginning January 1, 2008, ata rate of five and one-half percent (5.5%) for services provided on or afterJanuary 1, 2008. Every provider shall pay the monthly assessment no later thanthe twenty-fifth (25th) day of each month following the month of receipt ofgross patient revenue.
(c) The assessment imposed by this section shall be repealedon the effective date of the repeal or a restricted amendment of thoseprovisions of the Medicaid Voluntary Contribution and Provider-Specific TaxAmendments of 1991 (P.L. 102-234) that permit federal financial participationto match state funds generated by taxes.
(d) If, after applying the applicable federal law and/orrules, regulations, or standards relating to health care providers, the taxadministrator determines that the assessment rate established in subsection (b)of this section exceeds the maximum rate of assessment that federal law willallow without reduction in federal financial participation, then the taxadministrator is directed to reduce the assessment to a rate equal to themaximum rate which the federal law will allow without reduction in federalparticipation. Provided, however, that the authority of the tax administratorto lower the assessment rate established in subsection (b) of this sectionshall be limited solely to such determination.
(e) In order that the tax administrator may properly carryout his/her responsibilities under this section, the director of the departmentof human services shall notify the tax administrator of any damages in federallaw and/or any rules, regulations, or standards which affect any rates forhealth care provider assessments.