§ 44-55-3 Definitions. The words defined in this section have the meanings established in this sectionwhenever they appear in this chapter:
(1) "Business" means any corporation, limited liabilitycompany, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint stock company,joint venture, or any other legal entity through which business is legallyconducted or any successors or assigns of the legal entity.
(2) "First year wages" means the Rhode Island wages or RhodeIsland salary of the newly-hired employee and actually paid by the business fora period of three hundred sixty-five (365) days from the employee's first dayof work as evidenced by the W-2(s) provided by the claimant's business for thecalendar year into which the time period falls; provided, that wages subject tothe incentive shall be reduced by any direct state or federal assistance.
(3) "Tax incentives" or "incentive" means a deduction ormodification in computed taxes owed by a claimant's business.
(4) "Paid employment" means a period of time during which anemployee has been hired by a business and is receiving Rhode Island wages orsalaries for his or her service.
(5) "Unemployed" for the purposes of this chapter means andrefers to an individual who attests that he or she is not working, and:
(i) Has received unemployment compensation benefits pursuantto chapter 44 of title 28 or any similar laws of another state any time withina one year period preceding the date of hire; or
(ii) Has been a recipient of the state of Rhode Island's aidto families with dependent children program pursuant to chapter 6 of title 40for a minimum of a one year period preceding the date of hire.