§ 44-57-10 Rules and regulations. (a) Renewable energy systems shall comply with all state, federal, and locallaws that apply.
(b) The policy of the state energy office shall be:
(1) To accept the findings of local, state, and federalagencies which license or permit renewable energy systems;
(2) To avoid influencing any of those agencies to approve ordeny a license or a permit;
(3) To provide facts from tax credit files to those agencieswhen asked.
(c) Each applicant:
(1) Shall obtain each local and or state permit that appliesto the renewable energy system project;
(2) Shall agree to comply with the express terms andconditions of each permit;
(3) Shall agree to comply with all state rules and laws thatapply to the renewable energy system project.
(d) System certifications and contractor certifications shallbe based on the applicant's promise that each needed local and state permit hasbeen or will be obtained. Failure to obtain those approvals shall cause thestate energy office approval to be revoked.
(e) Renewable energy system contractors shall install allsystems to comply with manufacturers' published specifications.
(f) The director is authorized to promulgate rules andregulations in further support of the provisions of this chapter.