§ 44-7-27 Newport Cancellation ofreal property taxes in the city. In addition to the provisions of § 44-7-14, the council of the city ofNewport may cancel in whole or in part taxes, including late payment penaltiesand interest, assessed upon the following real property:
(1) Real property located at Washington Street South Pier,tax assessor's plat 16, lot 244, for any period of time after April 1, 1985, atwhich time ownership of the real property was transferred to the state of RhodeIsland and the Rhode Island economic development corporation for the purpose ofconstructing berthing facilities for commercial fishing vessels.
(2) Real property located at Washington Street, taxassessor's plat 16, lots 113, 111.4 and 223, for any period of time afterAugust 1, 1986, at which time ownership of the real property was transferred tothe state of Rhode Island for the purpose of constructing a transportation andvisitors' center for the Newport Gateway project.