§ 45-12-19 Charter provisions as toreferendum. The charter of any city or town may provide that the issuance of bonds, notesor other evidences of indebtedness of the city or town be by ordinance or byresolution after the issuance of the bonds, notes or other evidences ofindebtedness of the city or town have been authorized by general or speciallaw. The charter may provide that the ordinance or resolution becomes effectiveonly upon approval by a majority of electors voting thereon; provided, that thecharter provision is inoperative and ineffective, and the ordinance orresolution becomes effective without approval by the electors of the city ortown, whenever the general or special law which authorizes the issuance of thebonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness provides substantially that thegeneral or special law becomes effective upon accceptance or approval by theelectors of the city or town; and provided, further, that the charter provisionshall be operative and effective as to this ordinance or resolution onlywhenever the general or special law which authorizes the issuance of the bonds,notes or other evidences of indebtedness has become effective withoutacceptance or approval by the electors of the city or town, and contains noprovision requiring the acceptance or approval of the electors of the city ortown as a prerequisite to the issuance of the bonds, notes or other evidencesof indebtedness of the city or town.