§ 45-12-20 Issuance of bonds authorized bylaw approved by electors. Whenever a general or special law which authorizes the issuance of bonds, notesor other evidences of indebtedness has become effective upon acceptance orapproval by the electors of a city or town, such law shall be effectivenotwithstanding any failure or defect in the posting or notice of the electiontherefor as required by law, including the city or town charter, and the cityor town may immediately issue bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtednesswithout further approval by the electors of the city or town, by ordinance orby resolution if required by the charters of the city or town, which ordinancesor resolution shall become effective without approval by the electors of thecity or town as ordinances or resolutions generally become effective under thecharter of the city or town.