§ 45-13-1.1 Aid reduced by amounts owedstate entities. If any city or town fails to pay any assessment, bill, or charge levied,presented, or imposed by any public or quasi-public board, commission,corporation, council, authority, agency, department, committee or other similarbody organized under the laws of this state, within one hundred eighty (180)days of the presentment for payment of the assessment, bill, or charge to thecity or town, then there shall be deducted from any state aid, determined to bedue under the provisions of this chapter, an amount equal to that due and owingany or all of those commissions; provided, that the amount of any deductionshall be reduced by the amount of any bill or charge presented for payment bycity or town to the state, which bill or charge has not been paid by the statewithin one hundred eighty (180) days of presentment.