§ 45-13-10 Exemptions from reimbursement. (a) State mandates not subject to reimbursement includes:
(1) The holding of elections;
(2) The assurance of due process;
(3) The notification and conduct of public meetings;
(4) The procedures for administrative and judicial review ofactions taken by cities and towns;
(5) The protection of the public from malfeasance,misfeasance, or nonfeasance by local government officials;
(6) Financial administration, including the levy, assessment,and collection of taxes; and
(7) The preparation and submission of reports necessary forthe efficient administration of state laws.
(b) All statutes having a fiscal impact on cities and townsshall include a provision stating whether these statutes conform to thedefinition and exemptions prescribed by §§ 45-13-7 45-13-10.
(c) Provided further that none of the provisions of§§ 45-13-7 45-13-10 are applied in a manner inconsistent withstate law.