§ 45-15-13 Liability for damage by riotousassemblies. Whenever any property of the value of fifty dollars ($50.00) or more isdestroyed or injured to that amount by any persons to the number of six (6) ormore unlawfully, routously, riotously, or tumultuously assembled, the town orcity within which the property was situated is liable to indemnify the owner ofthe property to the amount of three-fourths ( 3/4) of the value of the propertyso destroyed or three-fourths ( 3/4) of the amount of the injury to theproperty, to be recovered in a civil action in any court proper to try a civilaction; provided, that the owner of the property uses all reasonable diligenceto prevent its destruction or injury by unlawful assembly and to procure theconviction of the offenders.