§ 45-15-9 Notice of injury on highway orbridge Commencement of action. (a) A person so injured or damaged shall, within sixty (60) days, give to thetown by law obliged to keep the highway, causeway, or bridge in repair, noticeof the time, place, and cause of the injury or damage; and if the town does notmake just and due satisfaction, within the time prescribed by § 45-15-5,the person shall, within three (3) years after the date of the injury ordamage, commence his or her action against the town treasurer for the recoveryof damages, and not thereafter.
(b) The provisions of this section shall take effect May 21,1982, and be given retroactive effect, as well as prospective effect, and shallapply to all causes of actions arising within three (3) years prior toSeptember 1, 1982.