§ 45-16-12 Penalty for serving processafter disqualification Exemption from liability for refusal to serve. (a) Any town sergeant or constable who, being disqualified and debarred fromserving or executing any writ or process returnable to any district court ofthe state under the provisions of § 45-16-11, shall serve or execute orpretend or attempt to serve or execute any writ or process while disqualifiedand debarred, shall be imprisoned not exceeding one year or fined not exceedingfive hundred dollars ($500).
(b) Any town sergeant or constable, while disqualified anddebarred shall not be bound or obliged to serve or execute any writ or processreturnable to any district court, although the writ or process is directed orgiven to him or her, and shall be exempt and free from all liability for his orher refusal or neglect to serve or execute any writ or process.