§ 45-19.1-1 Legislative findings. (a) The general assembly finds and declares that by reason of their employment:
(1) Fire fighters are required to work in the midst of, andare subject to, smoke, fumes, or carcinogenic, poisonous, toxic, or chemicalsubstances;
(2) Fire fighters are continually exposed to a vast andexpanding field of hazardous substances through hazardous waste sites and thetransportation of those substances;
(3) Fire fighters are constantly entering uncontrolledenvironments to save lives and reduce property damage and are frequently notaware of potential toxic and carcinogenic substances that they may be exposedto;
(4) Fire fighters, unlike other workers, are often exposedsimultaneously to multiple carcinogens, and the rise in occupational canceramong fire fighters can be related to the rapid proliferation of thousands oftoxic substances in our every day environment; and
(5) The onset of cancers in fire fighters can develop veryslowly, usually manifesting themselves from five (5) years to forty (40) yearsafter exposure to the cancer-causing agent.
(b) The general assembly further finds and declares that allof the previously stated conditions exist and arise out of or in the course ofthat employment.