§ 45-19.1-3 Occupational cancer disabilityfor fire fighters. (a) Any fire fighter, including one employed by the state, or a municipal firefighter employed by a municipality that participates in the optional retirementfor police officers and fire fighters, as provided in chapter 21.2 of thistitle, who is unable to perform his or her duties in the fire department byreason of a disabling occupational cancer which develops or manifests itselfduring a period while the fire fighter is in the service of the department, andany retired member of the fire department of any city or town who developsoccupational cancer, is entitled to receive an occupational cancer disability,and he or she is entitled to all of the benefits provided for in chapters 19,21 and 21.2 of this title and chapter 10 of title 36 if the fire fighter isemployed by the state.
(b) The provisions of this section apply retroactively in thecase of any retired member of the fire department of any city or town.