§ 45-19-1.2 Lien of state or municipality. Any employer paying compensation under the provisions of § 45-19-1 shall,if the employee recovers damages from a third person on account of the injuriesor sickness for which compensation is payable, have a lien upon that part goingto the employee, of any recovery or sum had or collected or to be collected bythe employee, or by the employee's heirs or personal representatives in thecase of the employee's death, whether by judgment or by settlement orcompromise, up to the amount of compensation paid; provided, that the lien setforth in this section is not applied or considered valid against anyone comingunder the workers' compensation act in this state; and, provided, further, thatnothing enacted in this section is so construed as to give the lien created inthis section precedence over the lien of an attorney.