§ 45-19-2 Board of police officer'srelief. Within the department of labor and training there is a board of policeofficer's relief consisting of seven (7) members which administers the fund forthe relief of police officers as provided by law. Five (5) members of the boardappointed by the director of labor and training; provided, that four (4) of thefive (5) members must be actually occupied and working as full-time policeofficers in the police force of some municipality in this state. These four (4)full-time police are selected, two (2) each, from a list of six (6) candidatessubmitted by the Rhode Island State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police and theInternational Brotherhood of Police Officers. The sixth member is appointed bythe Rhode Island Police Chiefs' Association as a representative of theconference on the board. The seventh member is appointed by the ProvidenceRetired Police and Fire Association, and must be a retired Providence policeofficer; provided, further, that all financial powers and duties concerning theboard of police officer's relief are administered by the general treasurer.