§ 45-19-5 Board of fire fighter's relief. (a) Within the department of labor and training there is a board of firefighter's relief, consisting of three (3) members, which administer the fundfor the relief of fire fighters, as provided in this chapter. One member of theboard is appointed by the director of labor and training, one member isappointed by the Rhode Island State Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO-CLC,and the third member an active member of a Volunteer Fire Department who isappointed by the Rhode Island State Firemen's League to represent volunteerfire fighters on the board; provided, that all financial powers and dutiesconcerning the board of fire fighter's relief is administered by the generaltreasurer.
(b) A volunteer fire fighter shall be appointed by the RhodeIsland State Firemen's League for a term of three (3) years and shall continueto hold office until a successor has been appointed. A member may bereappointed to succeed himself or herself.
(c) Members shall be appointed to fill vacancies forunexpired terms due to death, resignation, or cause. A member appointed forless than a full term (to fill a vacancy) may serve three (3) full years inaddition to that part of a full term.
(d) The appointing authority may remove a member for cause.