§ 45-2-11 Medical services for employees. Each city and town is hereby authorized and empowered, through its respectivelegislative body, to enact ordinances for the purpose of providing hospital,medical, surgical, nursing, dental, and other health care and services for theprotection of the health of any or all of the employees of the city or townand/or their dependents, and/or of any or all of the employees presentlyretired or who may retire and/or their dependents, as the legislative body maydeem desirable, under any nonprofit plan or plans established, maintained, andoperated by a nonprofit hospital service corporation, and/or by a nonprofitmedical service corporation, organized under the laws of this state, and toappropriate from time to time, in the manner provided by law for appropriationsand expenditures by the city or town, any sums necessary for the purpose ofproviding that care and service.