§ 45-2-12 Town of New Shoreham mayestablish police court. (a) The town of New Shoreham, by vote of any regular or special financial townmeeting, may establish a police court and confer upon the court originaljurisdiction to hear and determine criminal causes involving the violation ofany ordinance of the town council of the town; provided, that due notice of theproposition is contained in the call of any meeting voting the proposition; andprovided further, that any defendant found guilty of any offense within thejurisdiction of the town by the court may within seven (7) days of convictionfile an appeal from the conviction to the superior court and be entitled in thelatter court to a trial de novo.
(b) Upon the passage of the vote for the establishment of apolice court, the town council of the town of New Shoreham is authorized andempowered to appoint a judge of the court, to enact ordinances governing theprocedure to be followed in the court, the appointment of personnel, and theduties and qualifications of personnel, to establish a schedule of fees andcosts, and to otherwise provide for the operation and management of the court.
(c) The police court may impose a sentence not to exceedthirty (30) days in jail and impose a fine not in excess of five hundreddollars ($500), or both. The court shall be empowered to administer oaths,compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt.