§ 45-2-15.2 Municipal employees Residency within municipality not required. Notwithstanding any prior ratification and validation by the general assemblyof any home rule charter provision requiring that municipal employees residewithin the employing city or town, no home rule charter provision shall requirethat a municipal employee reside within the city or town as a condition ofappointment or continued employment. Any prior ratification and validation bythe general assembly of a home rule charter provision requiring residencywithin a city or town as a condition for employment of a municipal employee ishereby expressly repealed by the general assembly; provided, further, no cityor town council shall make or ordain any ordinance requiring a municipalemployee to reside within the employing city or town as a condition ofappointment of continued employment. Any existing ordinance requiring amunicipal employee to reside within the employing city or town as a conditionof appointment or continued employment is hereby considered contrary to thelaws of this state and is thus void as being in violation of state law. Nothingin this chapter shall preclude any city or town from offering employmentincentives to its employees.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no city or town with amunicipal charter shall be precluded from entering into employment contractswhich contain residency requirements with their appointed town or citymanager(s) and/or town or city administrator(s).