§ 45-2-24 Town of Coventry Municipal court. (a) The town council of the town of Coventry may establish a municipal courtand confer upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any otherprovisions of the general laws, to hear and determine causes involving theviolation of any ordinance, including minimum housing ordinances, of the townand any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled theRhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code; provided, however, thatany defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of minimumhousing ordinances or chapter 24.3 within the jurisdiction of the court, may,within seven (7) days of the conviction, file an appeal from the conviction tothe Kent County superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trialde novo; and provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of anyviolation of a minimum housing ordinance, or of chapter 24.3, may, within seven(7) days of the conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the thirddivision of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordancewith §§ 8-8-3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2.
(b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinancesdealing with minimum housing or chapter 24.3 et seq. of this title dealing withhousing maintenance and occupancy, the town council may also confer upon themunicipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, the power toproceed according to equity:
(1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct aviolation;
(2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of anydwelling existing in violation; or
(3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisionsof said ordinances and statutes.
(c) The town council of the town of Coventry is be authorizedand empowered to appoint a judge of the municipal court. The town council ofthe town is authorized and empowered to enact ordinances governing thepersonnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and toestablish a schedule of fees and costs. The municipal court may impose asentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and impose a fine not in excessof three hundred dollars ($300), or both. The court is empowered to administeroaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt.