§ 45-2-31 Registration of business name inthe town of North Providence. (a) Each business including, but not limited to, wholesale, commercial, retail,professional service or manufacturing by the sole proprietorships,partnerships, corporations, or any other business entity shall, prior to itscommencement of business within the town of North Providence, register itstrade, company, or office name with the town clerk. Each registration shallcontain the name of the firm or business, the name of the owner or operator ofthe firm or business, and the type of business to be conducted, and other basicinformation. There shall be a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee for eachregistration.
(b) Upon the registration of a business trade name, aregistration certificate shall be issued to the registrant. No other businessof the same trade name shall be allowed to register once a certificate ofregistration has been issued without the approval of the prior registrant inwriting. All businesses covered by this section presently located within thetown of North Providence shall have thirty (30) days after June 29, 1990 toregister. Every registration certificate shall be renewed annually during themonth of January upon payment of a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee. Nocertificate shall be renewed if the business fails to provide proof from thetax collector that all municipal taxes have been paid to date. Everycertificate of registration shall be placed in a conspicuous location in eachbusiness establishment.
(c) Any person, whether as principal, agent, employee, orotherwise, who violates any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be finednot exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each offense. The fines shallenure to the town, and each day that the violation continues is deemed toconstitute a separate offense.