§ 45-2-33 Additional substance abuseprevention assessment. (a) Each city, town, or municipal court shall impose, in addition to all otherassessments, a substance abuse prevention assessment of thirty dollars ($30.00)to be levied against those speeding violations enumerated within §§31-41.1-4 or those violations of any city, town, or municipal ordinance, theessential elements of which are the same or similar to the offenses listed in§§ 31-41.1-4. The imposed and collected additional assessment ofthirty dollars ($30.00) shall be forwarded by the city, town, or municipalityto the office of substance abuse in the executive department, state of RhodeIsland, within ten (10) business days of the close of the city's, town's, ormunicipality's fiscal quarter. The department of health shall deposit theassessment into the general fund.
(b) Whenever there occurs a violation of any city, town, ormunicipal ordinance which purports to regulate the reasonable and prudent speedat which a vehicle may be driven on a road as "road" is defined in §31-1-23, then, in addition to the fine and/or punishment imposed by the city,town, or municipal ordinance, the city, town, or municipal court shall imposean additional substance abuse prevention assessment, of thirty dollars($30.00). The imposed and collected assessment shall be forwarded by the city,town, or municipality to the department of health, state of Rhode Island,within ten (10) business days of the close of the city's, town's, ormunicipality's fiscal quarter. The department of health shall deposit theassessment into the general fund. The provisions of §§ 45-13-7through 45-13-9 do not apply to this section.
(c) Whenever there occurs a violation of a city, town, ormunicipal ordinance for a motor vehicle offense other than those similar to theoffenses listed within § 31-41.1-4 or standing violations proscribed byordinance, the city, town, or municipal court, shall impose an additionalsubstance abuse prevention assessment of thirty dollars ($30.00). The imposedand collected assessment shall be forwarded by the city, town or municipalityto the office of substance abuse, state of Rhode Island, within ten (10)business days of the close of the city's, town's, or municipality's fiscalquarter. The department of health shall deposit the assessment into the generalfund.