§ 45-2-35 Town of New Shoreham Landing fee. The town of New Shoreham is hereby authorized to charge, assess, or otherwisecollect a fifty cent ($.50) landing fee on each passenger over the age oftwelve (12) arriving on Block Island by public or private boat. All feescollected less expenses of collection shall be utilized by the town of NewShoreham to promote the health, safety, and welfare of all passengers,including, but not limited to, emergency medical services, acquisition ofproperty to support tourism related activities, to construct and maintaintourism support facilities, and to establish a fund to assist the town of NewShoreham in resolving problems which may arise due to growth in the tourismindustry. The town may enter into agreements with any common carrier servingthe town of New Shoreham and any operator of a marina in the town of NewShoreham authorizing the carrier or marina operator to collect the landing feeon behalf of the town of New Shoreham. The agreement may provide for thepayment of a fee by the town for the carrier or marina operator and theindemnification of the carrier or marina operator from and against anyliability to, or claim of liability by third parties, arising from collectionof the landing fee. Any common carrier may collect the landing fee on behalf ofthe town of New Shoreham by including the amount of the fee in its rate andcharge to passengers without the necessity of approval of the landing fee fromthe public utilities commission or the division of public utilities andcarriers under title 39. The landing fee authorized by this chapter does notapply to any persons receiving free transportation from a public utility under§ 39-2-5. The town council of the town of New Shoreham shall promulgaterules and regulations to implement the provisions of this section.