§ 45-2-35.1 City of Newport Landingand boarding fees. (a) The city of Newport is authorized to charge, assess or otherwise collectfrom every cruise vessel landing at a dock in the city of Newport a landing feeof two dollars ($2.00) per passenger and from every cruise vessel embarkingfrom a dock a boarding fee of two dollars ($2.00) per passenger. For thepurposes of this section, the term "cruise vessel" does not include ferries andwater carriers of persons and/or property doing business as common carriersoperating upon waters between termini within the state.
(b) The city council of the City of Newport shall promulgaterules and regulations to implement the provisions of this section.
(c) The city of Newport is authorized to impose a penalty onany delinquency in the payment of any fee imposed under this section, at a rateequal to that assessed by the city on tax delinquencies.