§ 45-21.2-12 Ordinary death benefit. Upon death of a member occurring while in service and prior to retirement fromany cause other than accidental death arising directly out of and in the courseof employment, a payment shall be made consisting of:
(1) The sum of eight hundred dollars ($800) for each year ofservice subject to a minimum payment of four thousand dollars ($4,000) and amaximum payment of sixteen thousand dollars ($16,000); and
(2) An annuity to his or her widow or widower or domesticpartner to continue for life unless he or she remarries or enters into adomestic partnership equal to thirty percent (30%) of the rate of compensationplus an allowance of ten percent (10%) of the compensation on account of eachchild of the member under age eighteen (18), subject to a total family benefitof fifty percent (50%) of final compensation; or if there is no widow orwidower or domestic partner, or if the widow or widower or domestic partnerdies or remarries or enters into a domestic partnership before any child of thedeceased member has attained the age of eighteen (18) years, then an annuitywith respect to each child of fifteen percent (15%) of the member's finalcompensation subject to a maximum family benefit of fifty percent (50%) offinal compensation.
(3) The benefit under subsection (2) of this section is notpayable if the member elected the provisions of § 45-21.2-21.