§ 45-21.3-2 Benefits upon death of activepolice officers or fire fighters who were eligible to retire at time of death. Upon the death of any regular and permanent police official, police chief, orpolice officer, or any regular and permanent fire fighter, fire chief, or firefighting official who, at the time of his or her death, was eligible to retirefrom the service of any city or town which has not accepted the provisions ofchapter 21 or 21.2 of this title, then sixty-seven and one-half percent (671/2%) of the benefits that would have been paid to the retired police officeror fire fighter had he or she retired shall be paid to his or her dependentspouse for his or her lifetime until he or she remarries, or if there is nospouse or the spouse remarries, then to his or her dependent children untilthey attain eighteen (18) years of age.