§ 45-21-14.2 Leave of absence credits. (a) Members with at least one year of membership credits who have been grantedan official leave of absence without pay for illness, injury, educational or,any other reason, may receive credit for the leave by making contributions tothe retirement system, in a lump sum, in an amount equal to the contributionthe member would have made to the retirement system based upon the member'sexpected compensation but for the granting of leave without pay, plus regularinterest compounded annually to date of payment; provided, that the memberreturns to service for at least one year immediately upon completion of thatleave. Credit for leaves of absence under this section are limited, in theaggregate, during the total service of a member to a period of four (4) yearsmaximum.
(b) The retirement board fixes the time when and theconditions under which payments are made under this section.
(c) This section is exempt from the provisions of§§ 45-13-6 45-13-10.