§ 45-21-21 Retirement for accidentaldisability. (a) Any member in active service, regardless of length of service, is entitledto an accidental disability retirement allowance. Application for the allowanceshall be made by the member or on the member's behalf, stating that the memberis physically or mentally incapacitated for further service as the result of aninjury sustained while in the performance of duty and certifying the time,place, and conditions of the duty performed by the member which resulted in thealleged disability, and that the alleged disability was not the result of thewillful negligence or misconduct on the part of the member, and was not theresult of age or length of service, and that the member has not attained theage of sixty-five (65). The application shall be made within five (5) years ofthe alleged accident from which the injury has resulted in the member's presentdisability and shall be accompanied by an accident report and a physician'sreport certifying the disability. If a medical examination made by three (3)physicians engaged by the retirement board, and other investigations as theboard may make, confirm the statements made by the member, the board may grantthe member an accidental disability retirement allowance.
(b) The retirement board shall establish uniform eligibilityrequirements, standards and criteria for accidental disability which apply toall members who make application for accidental disability benefits.