§ 45-21-26 Ordinary death benefits. Upon the death of a member while in service, prior to retirement, from anycause other than accidental death arising directly out of and in the course ofemployment, a payment is made of the contributions of the member withoutinterest. In addition, if the death of the member occurred while in an employeestatus, or while on an official leave of absence for illness from his or herposition, which was not extended at the date of death for a continuous periodin excess of one year, a death benefit is paid which equals eight hundreddollars ($800) for each completed year of total service, subject to a minimumpayment of four thousand dollars ($4,000) and a maximum payment of sixteenthousand dollars ($16,000). The payment of the accumulated contributions of themember and the death benefit shall be made to the person that the member hasnominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the retirementboard or, if the member has filed no nomination, or if the person so nominatedhas died, then to the estate of the deceased member.