§ 45-21-34 Annual report and statement. The retirement board shall submit to the governor for transmittal to thegeneral assembly, on or before the first day of December in each year, anannual report showing the financial transactions of the system for the fiscalyear next preceding that date. The report shall contain among other things, afinancial balance sheet as of the end of that year, a statement of income andexpenditures, a valuation balance sheet as prepared by the actuary, a detailedstatement of investments acquired and disposed of during the year, and anyother statistical data that are deemed necessary for a proper interpretation ofthe condition of the system and the results of its operations. The report shallalso embody any other data that may be of use in the advancement of knowledgeconcerning employee pensions of the participating municipalities, and anyrecommendations of the board for changes in the laws pertaining to the system.